Energy certificates

At GPT we offer all kinds of energy certificates: individual homes, housing blocks, office buildings, hotels, shopping centers, public buildings, etc.
We have a team of experts in the energy efficiency of real estate, trained to provide you with the best energy classification for your property, and applying the most appropriate software in each case.


  • For all types of existing buildings that are the subject of sale or lease
  • For public concurrency buildings with an area > 500 m2
  • For publicly owned buildings with an area > 250 m2

RD 235/2013 excludes some types of buildings:

  • Buildings for industrial or agricultural use.
  • Buildings with surface< 50 m2.
  • Protected buildings and monuments, centers of worship.
  • Temporary constructions with a planned period of use equal to or less than two years, buildings in ruin or in rehabilitation.
  • Buildings to be used for less than 4 months/year.

To make known to users the energy characteristics of the house or building, its CO2 emissions and its energy classification, which can serve to propose improvements that help sustainability and differentiate in price the most efficient homes. Te

chnicians in possession of the academic and professional qualification enabling the realization of building projects or thermal installations. All our technicians have the European Energy Manager Course.The ce

rtificate is valid for 10 years, from the registration of the CCs. Aa.

The owner of the property or the Promoter, in case of new plant works or rehabilitation

s. It is mandatory to have the energy certificate to rent or sell a home and this document must be delivered to the buyer or shown to the new tenant. The energy label to be issued by the relevant autonomous community is also needed. RD 235

/2013 provides for the control and inspection of energy certificates issued, in addition to a sanctioning regime, to be developed by each CC.AA. The absence of the certificate may block the registration of a sale.

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